当你用iPhone拍摄特写照片时,有没有遇到过文字模糊的情况?在这个视频中,我们将一步步向您展示如何通过使用微距开关或调整拍摄距离来解决这个常见的摄影问题。对于iPhone 13 Pro、14 Pro和15 Pro的用户来说,微距开关将是你最好的朋友。即使你的iPhone没有这个功能,我们也提供了另一种方法来帮助你获得同样清晰的结果。无论你是摄影新手还是专业人士,这个易于遵循的教程都会提高你的特写摄影技巧。点击观看并解锁隐藏的iPhone摄影技巧!
Have you ever encountered blurry text when trying to take close-up photos with your iPhone? In this video, we’ll show you step-by-step how to solve this common photography issue by using the macro switch or adjusting the shooting distance. For users with iPhone 13 Pro, 14 Pro, and 15 Pro, the macro switch will be your best friend. Even if your iPhone doesn’t have this feature, we provide an alternative method to help you achieve the same clear results. Whether you’re a photography novice or a pro, this easy-to-follow tutorial will enhance your close-up photography skills. Click to watch and unlock hidden iPhone photography tips!