How To Change The Default Apps In Windows 10

This article will tell you how to change the default apps ( for example default web browser, default email client, default map app, default video, audio player, default photo viewer .etc ) in Win 10. It will also tell you how to change the default program for the opening files type in Windows 10.

1. Change The Default Apps In Windows 10 Steps.

  1. Click the Start menu in the lower-left corner of Windows, click Settings to open the Settings window.
  2. Clicks the Apps icon on the Windows Settings window.
  3. Click the Default apps on the window left side.
  4. Now it will list an app type list on the window right side, the app type contains Email, Maps, Music Player, Photo Viewer, Video Player, Web Browser, etc.
  5. When you click one app type, for example, you click the Web Browser app type, it will pop up a list that contains all the web browser apps ( Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, etc). You can select one ( such as Google Chrome ) as the default web browser.

2. Change The Default Apps By Opening File Types In Windows 10 Steps.

  1. If you want to change the default program by the opening file type, you can follow the below steps.
  2. Open the Windows Settings window, click the Apps icon in the Settings window to open the Apps window.
  3. Click the Default apps menu item on the Apps window left side, then click the Choose default apps by file type link to open the Choose default apps by file type window.
  4. There are 2 columns in the above window, the first column is the file type extension, the second column is the default apps that will be invoked when you open the file with the first column file extension.
  5. You can click the second column to change the default app for the first column file type extension.

3. Change The Default Apps By Protocol Steps.


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